Monday, December 21, 2009


Author :-Jaymala

While writing about education, an high educationist once said that, “Education is most worth which comes in salutation to a felt need.” If this evidence has some truth, the all round life for activity in Ind
ia and the whole world needs no more justification.

It is today no longer a myth that groundwork of a healthy democracy is found in an educated wide-awake electorate. But; and is quite a big ‘BUT’; activity to be good and useful, staleness be liberal and not regimented and staleness verify into kindness digit important point in analyse and that is the all-round development of the child’s personality, and the inculcation in him of noble sentiments and clean ideals.

There is, however, so much potty thinking in the earth of activity today that it becomes quite different to recognize and define these trends. Moreover, activity as it is being experienced in the vast majority of our edifice today is so ill-planned and haphazard that we tend to depend more upon educational slogans and fads than upon actual educational philosophies and practices for an understanding of what ‘good education’ really means.

Nevertheless, it should be quite a worthwhile exercise in the present confuse state of our educational development to seek clearly the path that we should follow. An conversancy with the latest trends in activity could also be worthwhile if exclusive to realize how much leeway our schools hit to attain up in the activity given to our children is to be really worth-while.

In Amerindic education, curriculum and text books are inadequate. The important criticism against the secondary schools is that margin is not made for variation in aptitudes, interests and abilities. All the students are taught the aforementioned courses irrespective of their mental caliber and interests. All the students hit to pass finished the aforementioned straight jacket whether it fits them or not.

This has resulted in maladjustments, accumulation failures and eventual stagnation in many cases. Eventually many students fail to pass in the communicating because they hit no choice. They are to verify the burden of all the subjects. If he is proficient in a person and knows nothing in the other, he is aerated as an unsuccessful candidate.

He is also aerated badly by his teachers. By this if, India wants to prove that it is giving equal status to every educational subject.
In addition, instruction imparted in our schools is book-centered and leaves a little scope for creative thinking and self expression. It is no wonder that a vast majority of students cannot write a few lines on any given topic.

The reason for this mental vaccum are not far to seek. They exclusive know about the facts that are important to exams, and they hit to learn it by heart i.e. memorises, but they know really nothing about the concept.

They exclusive memorise it cod to its grandness in the examination. In addition the teachers taught that materials in the class which are important in the examination. The students with some exceptions hit been encouraged to study answers to the patterned questions likely to figure in the communicating papers and pass the examination.

Unfortunately, the auto of secondary activity in this land has been hitched to a lamppost of passing the examination.

It does not aim a lodestar of idealism, which should form the basis of all worthwhile education. The curriculum that is being given to us is today rattling outdated. It is introduced in 1986 under the National Policy of Education. At that time, it was good but instance has denaturized now. It needs many changes. In countries same China, students are condemned in that path where they are fascinated to go or join.

They are not forced to pass finished the aforementioned tunnel of gate. Suppose if someone is fascinated in sports then correct from the early ages they are trained and taught in that earth only. Thus, later on they crapper become a well-known personality in that field.

This grouping crapper be proved by watching the sort of medals China gets in the Olympics. Likewise, in India also this grouping should be fascinated so that we crapper be developed as termed in economics.

Another malady be setting our secondary activity is tremendous wastage and stagnation resulting from accumulation failures at the edifice leaving examinations conducted by different edifice boards in this country.

Sometimes the pass percentage is below 50%; even in the edifice examination, the picture is no artefact better. This is not a healthy symptom and calls for a thorough probe and early remedy.

No developing land crapper give frittering absent of scare resources in this way. It not exclusive results in wastage of time, energy, and money, but also brings lots of interference to the unsuccessful and his family.

In this artefact the unfortunate student losses his courage and sometimes a day comes when the unsuccessful leaves school. Like that, it is the wastage of human resources also.

In schools and colleges, there is the grouping of ‘Ragging’. The edifice authorities should verify comely action against the miscreants. It results badly to many students. Sometimes they hit to yield the edifice also. Therefore, this grouping also ails our educational system.

Moreover, edifice is a place; a temple of ‘LEARNING’, but the alphabet ‘L’ today disappeared in real sense from this word, becoming the locate of ‘EARNING’.

Why it is so? Why the teachers exclusive come to acquire and not to teach? Why they exclusive same the students who are smart, handsome, and good in studies?
Lastly, edifice should be a locate where the teaching should not be book centered. There should be practical and orals also. The communicating grouping should be changed.

It is to be more interesting and should be a locate of enjoyment, learning and should be a locate for doing and knowing the facts practically.
I agree that edifice is necessary. Nevertheless, ground does it hit to be so boring?

Why are we aerated same machines to be switched on and off and fed with facts? Why are we aerated same parrots and simple calculating machines? Why can’t edifice be more interesting and more challenging?

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